
Hey Everyone! It's Amanda, and this is going to be my first advice topic. I'll try to do an advice topic every week, so if you have a request of what you want me to do next, you can contact me at This weeks topic is: How To Make A Group Of 3 Work.
I see first hand that in groups of 3, it is almost impossible not to feel dis-included or left out at some point in time. As for me in 7th grade I was in a group of 3 with 2 other friends, and honestly it just didn't work. Someone always felt excluded, that's just how it was. The 2 girls that I was friends with were closer with each other, and I always felt like they would exclude me, or gossip about me because they were always together and I just felt alone, even though I acted like everything was fine. Now looking back at it, I realize that they were toxic friends. They weren't the kind of people I  should have been hanging around. Sometimes they would purposely try to exclude me or make me feel left out. I removed those people from my life. It was really hard, because I thought I would be alone for last 2 months of 7th grade without them, but I made friends with a great group of girls who cared about me and included me. Removing those 2 girls from my life was the best decision I made. If you are in a situation like I was, my best advice is to just remove those friends from your life. You don't have to be mean about it, you can simply just walk away from it. Now, if you aren't in a situation like I was, and you just want to make a group of 3 work, and have everyone included without someone being left out, my best advice is be nice. That may sound dumb, but honestly for every situation, do the best you can to be nice, and make everyone feel included. If you were going to have a sleepover or hang out with 1 of the friends in your group of 3, just invite the other girl too. Even if she can't come, it's the thought that you invited her. At lunch, instead of just directly talking to one person, try to look and meet both of their eyes. Even when we sometimes don't realize it, we direct conversation towards one certain person without really thinking. Instead of saying "Oh my gosh Jenny you won't believe what happened!" Try to make a conscience effort to say "Oh my gosh guys, you won't believe what happened!" It will make everyone feel included in the group discussion. That is just about all of the advice I have today.
I hope that you guys liked my advice corner. If you like this, just shoot me and email letting me know your thoughts on this article, and as always, I'm happy to answer any questions you have!


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